substance abuse services

The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is a semi-structured interview of about 200 questions that is designed to address seven potential problem areas in patients who are struggling with substance abuse. This test is designed to assist clients in helping determine the best option of treatment/ care for the client. ASIs are available daily with prior notice.

  • Level .05 (DUI class)-  Drug/Alcohol Education and Cannibis Education are awareness classes given after an ASI recommendation or required by the court for a DUI, alcohol related, or substance related offenses. Class offers a chance for the client to understand what brought them to the class, the potential dangers and cost of a DUI as well as a better of their own situation involving alcohol or drugs.  The DUI class is an 8 hr. class that is offered on a rotating monthly basis. Call for further details.


  • Level 1 Relapse Prevention- Offers a supportive staff to participate in client’s growth in recovery.  The Relapse Prevention Program offers a supportive environment and the particular assistance needed to understand addiction and the impact it has on the client as well as those around them. The group is designed to help clients identify unresolved issues, acquire tools to help in recovery, and work on those areas in life affected by past addiction. The Relapse Prevention Group meets once a week for two hours for 12 weeks (24 hours total).


  • Level 2 Intensive Outpatient treatment (IOP)- Offers a supportive staff to help clients understand addiction and participate in client recovery in a safe environment. IOP focuses on understanding addiction as well as working on acquiring new skills and understanding during recovery. IOP classes are three hours, three days a week for a total of 8 weeks (72 hours)