****** The Self Help Center’s offices are open with advocates available to meet one-on-one. We are also available for counseling, appointments and questions regarding services or to gain information regarding our mental health and substance abuse programs. Office hours are: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. - noon. Our 24-HOUR HELP LINE, ADVOCATES AND COUNSELORS REMAIN AVAILABLE. In addition, our 30-day emergency SAFE HOUSE IS OPEN for those in need. Please call (307) 235-2814 for details regarding our Safe House. ****
OFFICE VISITS: If you are coming to our offices, we advise that you call ahead to (307) 235-2814. Walk-in advocacy is available daily from 9 a.m. through noon daily with appointments available Monday thru Thursday in the afternoon thru 3:00 pm. Our office closes at 4:00 Mon-Thur and at noon on Friday.
Our highly-trained advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with victims or family/friends of victims experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and elder abuse. This service links victims directly to an advocate who provides support, resources and information to callers, and arranges or provides in-person support of victims at the hospital or assist victims with shelter services. Our hotline is also available for emergency service to clients of programs of the Self Help Center.